3 Signs It’s Time for a Rest Day
When you’re consistently hitting the gym and feeling great, it can be hard to take a break. After all, exercising offers a boost of feel-good endorphins in addition to the many other health benefits.
But taking a break at least one day each week from your workout routine could benefit you more than going to the gym every day. Here are a few signs that your body is ready for a rest day:
• If your muscles are consistently achy for more than a day, you may be overworking them, leading to injury.
• If you’ve been feeling agitated or stressed more often than usual, it could be a sign that you need a mental and physical break.
• If you’re noticing changes in your sleep patterns, like napping more than usual or needing to go to bed significantly earlier.
Motion is Medicine
When we think of protecting fragile things, we usually picture storing breakables in a cabinet, or keeping them locked in a safe place where nothing can hurt them.
And while we only get one spine, the best way to protect it is much different. In fact, the best way to ensure your spine works properly for years to come is to keep it moving! You may even find it helps with back and neck pain or sore muscles.
For our spines, motion is medicine, and it’s important to make sure your spine gets its daily dose of movement regularly. As many of us sit for work each day, consider this your reminder to get up and take that walk during your lunch break. Setting alarms every couple of hours on your phone can help remind you to stand up and move.
What are some of the ways you sneak movement into your day?